Friday: We were advised that we still got a job at our present work. I did the errands and checked the files that should be updated. I went home and there was my friends waiting for me at the house, hehehehe!, for past weeks I have been busy entertaining people. Every weekend I have some friends who visits me at my place which is much better than me going to their place or going some other place to hang-out, which is for me a costly thing to do, wahahahahahahaha!(shrewd huh?!!). But since I am exhausted and I need to get up early by Saturday morning for my first day at School,so I opted to go to sleep earlier too.
Saturday: Woke up early around 5:30am I guess, (that's way too early for me 'coz my earliest would be 6:30 and most of the time I get up around 7:30am). Hurriedly took a bath, buy some breakfast and cooked too. Can't go out the house without something in my stomach. I need to be at our School before 9am. I calculated my travel time of about 2 hours at the most and 1 hour at the minimum. Decided to get going at around 7:15am and I was 30 min earlier. Anyway, that was my first day and I don't want to miss any second or so. As the saying goes:
Early birds catches the worm.I was happy with how my 6 hours passed. I learned new things and enjoyed my first day of programming lessons. Yippeee! Looking forward a bigger and better future with this step I finally took. I never thought that I'd enjoy Integer, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimals. In fact, I already forgot all about those except Integers of course. Bringing back mathematics in my life eh?..not bad...^_^
After my class, I met with my two college friends at Megamall, they checked-out Crocs for the sale of about 70% off at the most I guess. I didn't go with them but rather looked for a clinic and had my facial there. Been a while since I had such so the pricks really felt awful. Urgh!, the irony of life huh??!, you hate the feeling, you've known the fact that it would hurt so bad and yet you still go for!, and here I am ranting about it (forgive me for being so
maarte, minsan-minsan lang naman eh...hahahaha!) well, anyway that's the price you have to pay to achieve the look that you want.
After my friends have spent their almost 4hours inside Crocs(are you expecting they had so many sandals bought for they spent 4 hours or so there?). Actually they only bought a pair each and they spent hours in line(to enter the premises and to pay their sandals) tsk...tsk...good thing I opted not to go, I actually foreseen that scenario and I am not a fan of Crocs by the way...hahahaha!)
While waiting for them I stayed inside National Bookstore to look at some good reads, just in case I want to buy some. Just in time they arrived earlier than I had expected so we went out the bookstore and look for some place to eat. While looking for a restaurant/fast food we passed by Girbaud shop and saw that they were on sale!...wooohoooo!...

, any bag + any wallet for only 1.5k (pesos), what a nice offer...hehe!...thinking...thinking...thinking...decided!..."caching"!...

A very long day indeed but I am happy by how my Saturday went on.
Sunday: It's my
Laba Day(laundry day). Before, it was scheduled every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. But due to my classes I made some adjustments. Yes, hand-wash it is. I don't own a washing machine and I opt to do it the hard way, I enjoy doing the laundry, of all the household chores, it is doing the laundry that I like the most aside from cooking of course!(I still remember when I was a child, every time they ask me what I want to be when I grow-up, I always answer them: to be a
labandera). Maybe that was the main reason why I enjoy doing laundry. While I was doing my laundry, a friend texted me and asked me to watch "Watchmen", his treat. Since, I had nothing to do after my laundry I went to the mall and met him there. The movie was good, nice soundtrack too, oldies and I loved it..wahehehehehe!..sang along even at the song "Sound of Silence"...hehe!
Monday: It was my schedule to clean and re-organize my room, so I didn't go to work, had a leave for that (don't worry it's legal, I asked my superior about it and stated my reason, and we are part-time workers here, privileged to go on leave at least 1-2 days off). I really am not good at cleaning and organizing things in my room since I was a child. Though my friends insists that I am an organized being especially how I deal with my life because I have plans long-term goals etc, it's just that it can't be seen inside my place. When 2009 came, I had this urge to be organized and clean (my life's equation: clean+organized place = organized and less burdened life). I had done the task barely month ago but just as days passed it became messy again. Darn it!

I started cleaning my terrace at around 11:30am and finally finished all the scrubbing, re-organizing and small details inside my room by around 7:00pm, what a relief and I think I lost some pounds on that "household exercise"...nyhahahahahahahaha...^^, (I forgot to take some picture for before and after pics..tsk..) I so love my room now.

New look, it's clean and I enjoy my hours with my potted plants and herbs at my terrace. Added with my Climbing bamboo were a tarragon, love and devotion, mint and horse's tail.
By the way, I only do this on one condition: No one else must help me or even inside the room when I am cleaning and re-organizing things except when I need to move furniture that I can't lift/drag around.
Before I called it a day, I extended my hand to a friend for his projects. SO tired and so sleepy that I forgot some things to be done with the project.
Tuesday: I was really thinking to go to work but I catch some colds and fever, so I stayed at home to rest and sleep instead. Just told my superior about it. Later afternoon, I got a call, still dizzy I answered it and got informed that I was hired abroad. I didn't even go to their scheduled interview. whew! Planned to check it today before going to work. To see the terms and conditions of the job offer.
Wednesday: I went to the agency and learned that the basic salary was just having a little difference at my present work. On a second thought, I can earn their offer here at the Philippines given the right opportunity, determination and networks.

Added is my hectic schedule here in the Philippines, doing self-improvements, prior commitments and my family doesn't know about it yet, I know they won't let me go to any place in Middle East. That wold be a no-no for them. I can woo them to go somewhere else but not Middle East. I can just hear them say: why on earth are you going there anyway? you can earn that here in the Philippines, and One thing more, we are really wanting you to come back here at the province. My supposed answer? Okay, I rest my case about the work abroad but not on the province thing yet, may be after a year or so, I
Have a happy blessed day people! we have the greatest gifts in life yet to be unwrapped...