I always thought that Friday was my day and still it is my lucky day!...Today I went to the office and guess what? our office has no power supply, meaning...no internet connection!...Can't work using the computer.
So...we rearranged our office, cleaned it and made it a more comfortable area to work at. Yihey!...tiring, yes but it was a good work-out...;p
Passed my resume to one of the school at job fair..;)
Ate with my co-workers after...^_^
I haven't managed to write a continuation for my 'kathangisip' blog due to lack of power supply earlier today.
happy moments, frustrations, dreams, goals, travels, photography, politics, advocacy
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Shopping is not my cup of tea BUT....
Yeah, you read it right, I am a girl who does not have the patience to shop. In fact, I rarely go to the malls. I have this eagerness to have the comforts of my room. If given a chance to go to a mall, I tend to just walk and walk and walk. Or I am obliged to shop. Meaning, I have some urgent things to buy like new clothes, shoes, accessories, gadgets etc. I am meticulous when it comes to buying things, it should be worthy, have the quality that I trust and I should love it from the moment I saw it. If I have doubts, then I will not dare spend some money. You see, I have a history when I was a child, to buy anything that I like even if I won't be needing it. Good thing I already overcome or at least take control of that urges.
But there are occasional times too that I love to shop although it is more on window shop. It burns so much calories walking around the mall for hours and will surely provide you a healthier self...hahahaha! Also, most of the time I tend to look at the products first, return after few days or weeks to see if I still like the product, and think things over if after some months or years I will still use or like it(specially when it's pricey), then that is the time that I will buy.
Last Saturday, my friends and I meet for our monthly meet-ups, had dinner, watched a movie and grabbed ourselves frappe before going our separate ways.
After the dinner, we went store hopping looking for something worth buying, since almost all stores were on sale!, it's either due to year-end inventory or due to the economic crisis, either way buyers were surely delighted. Since, I am not really enthusiastic about shopping, I just went with any stores they like to enter. I also looked around and alas! I found worth buying, hehehe! A pair of Charles and Keith white shoes that is so cheap.
And since I need some "corporate" attire in the coming months given the fact that I need to apply for a new job, I bought it. I was looking for black but they don't have stock so I opted to pick white rather than dark blue shoes. As I waited for the stock shoes that I will pay for, I looked for their displays of sunglasses (one of my weakness) and I want that white big sunglasses. I really love that glasses but I can't afford to buy that, months from now I will be unemployed not a good thing to spend and spend, because in times like this SAVE, SAVE, SAVE must be on the top of the list.
But there are occasional times too that I love to shop although it is more on window shop. It burns so much calories walking around the mall for hours and will surely provide you a healthier self...hahahaha! Also, most of the time I tend to look at the products first, return after few days or weeks to see if I still like the product, and think things over if after some months or years I will still use or like it(specially when it's pricey), then that is the time that I will buy.
Last Saturday, my friends and I meet for our monthly meet-ups, had dinner, watched a movie and grabbed ourselves frappe before going our separate ways.
After the dinner, we went store hopping looking for something worth buying, since almost all stores were on sale!, it's either due to year-end inventory or due to the economic crisis, either way buyers were surely delighted. Since, I am not really enthusiastic about shopping, I just went with any stores they like to enter. I also looked around and alas! I found worth buying, hehehe! A pair of Charles and Keith white shoes that is so cheap.

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Writer's Block
For days I have been thinking of writing a blog about anything that may come into my mind. But still I am having hard time squeezing my brain cells to think and compose something worth blogging. I have so many topics inside my mind but I can't seem to get it done with. Actually right now I am just trying my luck to blog.
Writer's block as others call it. I think I need to unwind...thinking what stressful things had passed in the past days??...I can't find many just the fact that months from now I am again one of struggling unemployed. Walking in the mainstream, looking for opportunities and surely will grab anything that will come my way. I have so many plans like; went to studying some worthy courses that I like after my job in here is finished, went home at our province and for quite sometime enjoy a laid-back province life. Catch-up with my family and enjoy the moment of peaceful existence.
I hope, tomorrow I can blog again. I already have a story but the storyline is quite vague. Grrr...it is just a simple week-end story and yet...hay!...I need a rest, I am going home after this and I will watch Discovery Channel, Discovery Travel&Living programs or browse other channel program worth watching...Food, travel, inventions, news, etc...while sipping a cup of Twinnings flavored black tea...what could have been better?...This is Life!
..and I am LOVING it...
Writer's block as others call it. I think I need to unwind...thinking what stressful things had passed in the past days??...I can't find many just the fact that months from now I am again one of struggling unemployed. Walking in the mainstream, looking for opportunities and surely will grab anything that will come my way. I have so many plans like; went to studying some worthy courses that I like after my job in here is finished, went home at our province and for quite sometime enjoy a laid-back province life. Catch-up with my family and enjoy the moment of peaceful existence.

I hope, tomorrow I can blog again. I already have a story but the storyline is quite vague. Grrr...it is just a simple week-end story and yet...hay!...I need a rest, I am going home after this and I will watch Discovery Channel, Discovery Travel&Living programs or browse other channel program worth watching...Food, travel, inventions, news, etc...while sipping a cup of Twinnings flavored black tea...what could have been better?...This is Life!

Thursday, January 15, 2009
TV commercials
hehehe...ever favorite commercial of FITA...until now I can hear people say: "sports car yung red".
hay...I like this ad too...:)...
One that always made me cry...but on a happy note..:)
Kuya Ardy this is how the "pa-cheese burger ka naman" can be heard anytime especially last year or 2 yeras perhaps...:)
this is funny indeed...a mcdo ad in Egypt..hehehehe!!
This was the latest mcdo philippines ad, a bittersweet story...read the guy's lips..."oh, musta ka na?"..."oh my god"...awts!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Latest McDonald's TV Ad
I love this commercial, good thing there were still good commercials done..hehehe...reminds me of 'FITA' commercial: "gusto ko sports car! yung red!"...Klasik!...pumapatok, kumukurot sa damdamin,kung isa kang simple manonood, mapapatigil ka at sasabihin mong..."WOW, nice!..galing ng gumawa nito."...^_^
Another "what-the-hell-are-you-doing-with-your-life-chat" kind of story...
The title already says it all. Therefore you are about to read further my ridiculous way of thinking...wahahahahahaha!
Last Monday, I saw a post on Friendster regarding a part-time job about making database using a simple/basic programming language like visual basic or ms access/ms SQL. I just texted the number and alas!...Gotcha!, pasok...only that I don't know any technicalities about programming, all I know is; it is an acquired knowledge, studied by IT professional, computer related task and if you are good enough with the field you are about to get high compensation. So there, last night, inquired with my friends, networks, etc. I really am dead serious learning this basic programming language, by hook or by crook. A go-getter that I was added the fact that I am somewhat bored as of the moment that I intend to learn new things.
I started my research the moment I got the job details yesterday. I borrowed some books and started reading/browsing last night. Gathered any information that I can use, later I will post process the information and sift it to get what information I must use. Good thing was, the software will be needed at least a month from today, so I have a month to do it. I will give myself two weeks to do it. So I can have it checked by people who really know the ins and outs of database and programming. Can I do it? I must do it.
As the saying goes, "Do not bite more than you can chew" but I also know when to "Bite the bullet". But I also told him that if I won't have the time to do it as I am working full-time too, I can surely help him find someone who can and is willing to do the task. He said it is not that urgent. Well...
Just a flashback: Way back when I was still a struggling college student, I once done almost the same thing. I think I blogged about it already, nevertheless I will share it again today. I pursued doing a Thesis Proposal on a Psychological perspective. Many asked me why, with an answer from me: Nothing, I just want to do it, also I like the topic that I passed and I was just 'crazy' doing things...hehe!
Yeah, 'crazy'...I did anything to gather all the information I needed, that was one of the times that I studied really hard to pass the said course, I started from scratch, I have no subjects/courses regarding psychology. I am once an Economics student who happened to shift my major to Social Anthropology with a minor on Political Science. Even in General electives subjects that I took have no background whatsoever on Psychology. I was just inclined to it. Psychology as they say was not that easy. It is one of the meticulous department in Social Sciences. Anyhow, regardless of the people who tried to convince me to change topic and not chose Psychology as basis for my proposal, I stick with it. I was on-time finishing my proposal. I got a 'high grade' for it in fact. People who saw my determination supported my endeavor and was happy to know that I passed the course.
So, in this "what-the-hell-are-you-doing-with-your-life-chat" I am still trying to stick with it, with or without pay, I am willing to finish this...Hehe!...for my future use also. Anyway, sure it has compensation. I just don't know what the market has dictated when it comes to this job. I really don't have an idea.
I am also thinking about really, really enroll with programming crash courses available, just for a change..

Last Monday, I saw a post on Friendster regarding a part-time job about making database using a simple/basic programming language like visual basic or ms access/ms SQL. I just texted the number and alas!...Gotcha!, pasok...only that I don't know any technicalities about programming, all I know is; it is an acquired knowledge, studied by IT professional, computer related task and if you are good enough with the field you are about to get high compensation. So there, last night, inquired with my friends, networks, etc. I really am dead serious learning this basic programming language, by hook or by crook. A go-getter that I was added the fact that I am somewhat bored as of the moment that I intend to learn new things.
I started my research the moment I got the job details yesterday. I borrowed some books and started reading/browsing last night. Gathered any information that I can use, later I will post process the information and sift it to get what information I must use. Good thing was, the software will be needed at least a month from today, so I have a month to do it. I will give myself two weeks to do it. So I can have it checked by people who really know the ins and outs of database and programming. Can I do it? I must do it.
As the saying goes, "Do not bite more than you can chew" but I also know when to "Bite the bullet". But I also told him that if I won't have the time to do it as I am working full-time too, I can surely help him find someone who can and is willing to do the task. He said it is not that urgent. Well...

Just a flashback: Way back when I was still a struggling college student, I once done almost the same thing. I think I blogged about it already, nevertheless I will share it again today. I pursued doing a Thesis Proposal on a Psychological perspective. Many asked me why, with an answer from me: Nothing, I just want to do it, also I like the topic that I passed and I was just 'crazy' doing things...hehe!
Yeah, 'crazy'...I did anything to gather all the information I needed, that was one of the times that I studied really hard to pass the said course, I started from scratch, I have no subjects/courses regarding psychology. I am once an Economics student who happened to shift my major to Social Anthropology with a minor on Political Science. Even in General electives subjects that I took have no background whatsoever on Psychology. I was just inclined to it. Psychology as they say was not that easy. It is one of the meticulous department in Social Sciences. Anyhow, regardless of the people who tried to convince me to change topic and not chose Psychology as basis for my proposal, I stick with it. I was on-time finishing my proposal. I got a 'high grade' for it in fact. People who saw my determination supported my endeavor and was happy to know that I passed the course.
So, in this "what-the-hell-are-you-doing-with-your-life-chat" I am still trying to stick with it, with or without pay, I am willing to finish this...Hehe!...for my future use also. Anyway, sure it has compensation. I just don't know what the market has dictated when it comes to this job. I really don't have an idea.

Friday, January 9, 2009
In Vino Veritas
**Yesterday, I planned to post a blog about wines just for my photos that were taken last January 3. But we went home early so I haven't got the chance to write about it. Last Night Pot texted me a verse in the bible: 1 Timothy Chapter 5-6 verse 23. I searched it as I was having my breakfast early today, only to find out that it's about wines!
I was just amazed by the coincidence.
Going back with my title, In Vino Veritas. I always heard about it. In fact, there are people who really believe in that Latin Phrase, including me.
In Vino Veritas - In wine there is truth, but as of today 'wine' on the phrase also refers to any alcoholic drink. I even used that phrase in one of the debates I was into. Yes, I know people who tell the truth under the influence of alcohol. Why? because people under the influence of alcohol tend to say things that they are holding back. 'Slip of the tongue' as other people call it. People lose control of their tact, it is in fact medically proven too. Even some people use wines to give them 'courage' that they needed. Just as what the bible verse above says, it is healthy to drink wine. But just make sure to drink it in a moderate way. For You? Is the phrase applicable with your life? Do you believe it or not?
**You can comment on the photo...forgive me for I cannot make the radial blur a perfect one, I had difficulty in doing such trick in editing...ahehehehehe...;)

I was just amazed by the coincidence.
Going back with my title, In Vino Veritas. I always heard about it. In fact, there are people who really believe in that Latin Phrase, including me.
In Vino Veritas - In wine there is truth, but as of today 'wine' on the phrase also refers to any alcoholic drink. I even used that phrase in one of the debates I was into. Yes, I know people who tell the truth under the influence of alcohol. Why? because people under the influence of alcohol tend to say things that they are holding back. 'Slip of the tongue' as other people call it. People lose control of their tact, it is in fact medically proven too. Even some people use wines to give them 'courage' that they needed. Just as what the bible verse above says, it is healthy to drink wine. But just make sure to drink it in a moderate way. For You? Is the phrase applicable with your life? Do you believe it or not?
**You can comment on the photo...forgive me for I cannot make the radial blur a perfect one, I had difficulty in doing such trick in editing...ahehehehehe...;)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A New Year Message (the story of the four candles)
I heard it months ago at Richmond Hotel from a Nun. It made me cry somehow knowing that it was true. I feel for people who were like the child. For the New Year I received it at my mailing list from a Colleague in India.
Attached at my Multiply is the power point presentation...This is not a virus,,,:D
Never lose hope in times that love, peace and faith burnt out of light...^_^
Attached at my Multiply is the power point presentation...This is not a virus,,,:D
Never lose hope in times that love, peace and faith burnt out of light...^_^
Monday, January 5, 2009
A funny Bulan-Manila Trip!
Last day was my trip to manila. I posted a blog before packing my things. 3pm was our departure time...so it went well...:)
Before our trip, Gel told me that Jan. 4 would be hard for the motorists and will face so much traffic on the road. So he decided to depart at Jan. 5 1am. I just ignored him, I told him I need to go to work Jan. 5 morning. He also told Tito Joel about it, and even talked to him to just have a ride with him. Tito Joel just told Gel that he also needs to arrive in manila earlier today.
The trip went well as I really go to sleep at the bus. I was just shocked that by 5am, the bus was still in Quirino Hi-Way, my goodness! I was supposed to be in stop n shop around that time. Traffic got us stranded for 7 hours according to the driver. Janice texted me, asking how my trip went, I told her that we are still a town outside Lucena and asked her too where they were. She said that they are already at Pagbilao. Itold Tito Joel but he didn't believed it, as I too doubted the idea. So, off the bus...I went to sleep, just to be awaken y Tito Joel, asking me if I want to transfer too. It was so happend Gel called him telling him that he saw our bus and they were already ahead of us. Whatda!!!!...so at San Pablo we transfered with them laughing at us. We knew it!...they will laugh at how our trip went...hahahahahahaha!!!...Hillarious!
For years of going back and forth to Manila, this was the longest ride. Imagine a 21 hours???!!!...What if I haven't decided to join them at the car?, where am I??...I don't know maybe still at EDSA...hehe...^_^
Manila, work mode again...;)
Before our trip, Gel told me that Jan. 4 would be hard for the motorists and will face so much traffic on the road. So he decided to depart at Jan. 5 1am. I just ignored him, I told him I need to go to work Jan. 5 morning. He also told Tito Joel about it, and even talked to him to just have a ride with him. Tito Joel just told Gel that he also needs to arrive in manila earlier today.
The trip went well as I really go to sleep at the bus. I was just shocked that by 5am, the bus was still in Quirino Hi-Way, my goodness! I was supposed to be in stop n shop around that time. Traffic got us stranded for 7 hours according to the driver. Janice texted me, asking how my trip went, I told her that we are still a town outside Lucena and asked her too where they were. She said that they are already at Pagbilao. Itold Tito Joel but he didn't believed it, as I too doubted the idea. So, off the bus...I went to sleep, just to be awaken y Tito Joel, asking me if I want to transfer too. It was so happend Gel called him telling him that he saw our bus and they were already ahead of us. Whatda!!!!...so at San Pablo we transfered with them laughing at us. We knew it!...they will laugh at how our trip went...hahahahahahaha!!!...Hillarious!

For years of going back and forth to Manila, this was the longest ride. Imagine a 21 hours???!!!...What if I haven't decided to join them at the car?, where am I??...I don't know maybe still at EDSA...hehe...^_^
Manila, work mode again...;)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Last Night was Awesome!:D
As I already said last day, yesterday was the celebration of my Parent's 35th wedding anniversary. I was so happy, we were all happy it went well...Added happiness for me was, my best friend RM allowed us to have some pics. Ayaw kasi nyan minsan magpapicture, lalo ang kasama ako...at binati nya na ako..hehehe,,,di na sya nagtatampo sakin..^_^.
Some pics of the event last night, more to follow:
Me and my sister Ate Ching before the party...:)
Me giving some message and read my poem.^_^
Us, children singing "Tanging Yaman"
Me with some of my Tropas.:)
with my best friend RM..:D
More to post later...Pabalik na ako ng Manila eh, gotta pack my things pa...^_^
Some pics of the event last night, more to follow:
More to post later...Pabalik na ako ng Manila eh, gotta pack my things pa...^_^
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Alay sa Aking mga Magulang
**Itong tula ay ginawa ko para sa selebrasyon ng aking mga magulang ng kanilang ika-tatlumpu't limang pagsasama bilang mag-asawa. Na akin namang babasahin mamaya sa salo-salong gaganapin.
Alay sa Aking mga Magulang
Nagsimula sa isang tinginan,
Nauwi sa isang kasalan,
Nagtayo ng masayang tahanan,
Napuno ng pagmamahalan.
Sa piling ng bawa't isa,
Ang lahat ay nag-umpisa,
Pagtaguyod sa kanilang pamilya,
Naing pangunahing mithiin nila.
Salamat at ako'y naging supling nila,
Mapalad at masaya sa piling ng pamilya,
Maraming aral ang itinuro sa amin moong kami'y bata pa,
Na aming dadalhin kahit tumanda pa.
Sila'y halimbawa ng masayang buhay,
Dahilan ng aking masaganang pamumuhay,
Nagsimula sa isang tinginan,
Nauwi sa isang kasalan,
Nagtayo ng masayang tahanan,
Napuno ng pagmamahalan.
Sa piling ng bawa't isa,
Ang lahat ay nag-umpisa,
Pagtaguyod sa kanilang pamilya,
Naing pangunahing mithiin nila.
Salamat at ako'y naging supling nila,
Mapalad at masaya sa piling ng pamilya,
Maraming aral ang itinuro sa amin moong kami'y bata pa,
Na aming dadalhin kahit tumanda pa.
Sila'y halimbawa ng masayang buhay,
Dahilan ng aking masaganang pamumuhay,
Makita sila ako'y napapangiti
Ang magkaroon ng buhay-may-asawa tulad nila aking minimithi.
Ang magkaroon ng buhay-may-asawa tulad nila aking minimithi.
-Chatkick, January 2, 2008
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