I had fulfilled my urges to work as an employee. I enjoyed it, I was happy but I was so stretched that I never had time for myself, family and friends. I haven't had the time to look up at the sky, look around the environment, appreciate them and thank God enough for the blessings.
I was somehow faced by a crossroad. I suddenly felt drained that I needed to renew and regain myself/my soul. Somewhere along the way I felt that I was withering. At this young age I was happy but a hole in my heart slowly gets bigger and just like a black hole it continues to absorb my soul. Luckily, I was guided by my Creator. I found the answers to my questions before I reached the event horizon (point of no return surface of a black hole).
Slowly, I felt that I am again my old self, only more mature but still had to loosen a bit more. I can once again see vibrant colors, hear lovely music and melody, gaze at the sky with so many stars in it. My old hobby revived. Stargazing.
For nights I had always experienced to look up at the sky at night, feel the heat of the sun at day and cold wind blows at this 'El Niño' phenomenon. Walk around with my camera, talk with family and friends, read good books, dream and thank God for all that He provided us, for protection, for courage, for wisdom and for love.
I am sharing you this, for you to know that you are not alone, WE are not alone. We have a God who will always be with us. We just have to listen closely, ask eagerly, receive whole-heartedly and thank Him Fully. Have a blessed life! God is with us. :)
Thanks for sharing this Chat. Yup, I agree...we are not alone...and we shouldn't feel alone...
Thanks Ate Tos!..:)
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